What's going on in Sydenham, Catford and Bellingham?
Members of the CEL literacy class at Goldsmiths Community Centre reported on what's happening in their area, as part of the community media resource project.
Generally there are not enough activities and facilities for children aged 7-11, or for disabled children.
More tomorrow...
New facilities for Sydenham and Forest Hill
Kelvin Grove Primary School will be opening a new centre offering ESOL for children and adults.
Forest Hill Pools is being refurbished - it's looking good.
A new youth centre is planned for Wells Park Road.
General comments on Sydenham and Forest Hill
A lot of shops have closed, particularly in Dartmouth Road. 24 hour shops have started opening in the area.
Local kids like to go to Wells Park, but there are good facilities in Home Park and Mayow Park is also worth a look.
The Bridge Leisure Centre offers 'Fun Physical' for disabled children, it is the only activity available in the area.
Update: Horniman Museum. You now have to pay to visit the aquarium, although the upstairs remains free.
Crystal Palace Park - there are some kids' events on this week.
There is a need for after school club type facilities, one of the group is willing to set one up. Are you interested?
There's a new pub in Catford, the Catford Bridge Tavern. It was formerly the Copperfield, which was closed down due to trouble.
The feeling is that not much money is spent on Catford. The shopping precinct is horrible and so are the flats above. Money is going to be spent on Catford Broadway and there are big plans for Catford, including replacing the flats.
Bellingham has good community facilities including the Ladywell Gymnastics Club, Bellingham Leisure Centre and a youth club.
Thats not that good the leisure centre in Bellingham it could be cleaner